The Palmer CAB M Passive Cabinet Merger is currently retailing at £29.99 and it is in stock. Available to be delivered to you by post direct (some charge may apply).The team at Just Pedals think that Palmer nailed it with the Palmer CAB M Passive Cabinet Merger.
The Palmer CAB M may be one of the most useful tools for guitarists we have seen in a while. If you like to use your own amp head at gigs you have probably come across the scenario where there is a stereo setup of cabs available but your head doesn’t have the right parallel out.
Instead of going through the complicated method of creating your own series speaker cable you can just use the Palmer CAB Merger to set up two cabs to one output. For example if you have a 16 ohm out you could connect two 8 ohm cabinets using the parallel connector. Or if you have an 8 ohm output you can set up two 16 ohm cabs in series just through a single output on your amp.
Great for Compact Amps
A lot of smaller amp heads have limited outputs as they just don’t have they space. Things like the Victroy V30 or V40 need something like the Palmer CAB M if you want to use two 8 ohm cabs at once for example, creating a lot more opportunities for your sound in the future.
No Power Required
As the Palmer is completely passive there is no need for any kind fo power supply Just plug in your amp and the cabs and you are ready to rock.
Here’s what Palmer say about the Cab Merger
The concept behind Palmer’s Cab Merger may be very simple, but the unit fills an important gap! Have you ever wanted to connect two guitar cabinets to just one amplifier output- It’s quite simple with the PCABM!
In addition, you can choose parallel or series wiring. For instance, two 8 ohm cabinets can be connected for a total load of 4 ohms (parallel) or 16 ohms (in series). The device is entirely passive and does not affect tone in any way.