The JRAD Archer Ikon Overdrive Pedal is currently retailing at £215 and it is in stock. Available to be delivered to you by post direct (some charge may apply).The team at Just Pedals think that J Rockett nailed it with the JRAD Archer Ikon Overdrive Pedal.
The Klon Centaur is a beloved pedal that is in high demand. Unfortunately getting your hands on one can be tough as prices are high and stock is low. So companies like J Rockett have taken the initiative to start building new versions of these pedals that are as close to the original as humanly possible. First they released the Archer which looks to mimic the old Silver Klon Centaur and it quickly became a massive success. Now they have released a previously thought to be impossible pedal with the Archer Ikon.
The First Of Its Kind
This new version of the Archer clones the much loved Gold Klon Centuar which had 2 diodes that were unmarked making it impossible to clone. Now J Rockett have not only found out what those diodes were but they have also put them to use in building the first 100% part for part remake of the original Gold Klon Centaur.
Gold or Silver?
There is a constant debate with Klon lovers over which one is best, in reality it all comes down to preference. The main difference between these pedals comes in the compression and higher end EQ. The Archer Ikon has a tad more compression in the midrange and has less high end presence so if you found the original Archer a bit too barky in the high midrange or a bit too bright then switching to the Archer Ikon might just give you the dreamy Klon tone you have always been looking for.
Here’s what J Rockett say about the Archer Ikon
The Archer Ikon is sort of a 2 in one pedal. It can be used as just a clean boost by turning the gain all the way down. As you introduce gain it will attenuate the clean signal but there is a magical blend in between that you will find. Please experiment!!