The JHS Pedals Haunting Mids Pedal is currently retailing at £135 and it is in stock. Available to be delivered to you by post direct (some charge may apply).The team at Just Pedals think that JHS Pedals nailed it with the JHS Pedals Haunting Mids Pedal.
If your guitar tone needs to cut through a mix, or if you want to recreate classic full range frequencies, the Haunting Mids EQ by JHS is frighteningly perfect.
The Haunting Mids is a simple, yet extremely useful sound-defining pedal. Metal players will favour it for the added sharpness, while blues players can reduce the mids to let highs and lows shine through for sweet leads.
Boost or scoop
Mids and sweep dials work closely together in shaping what you get out of the Haunting Mids. Left of 12 o'clock on the mids will scoop out mids from the EQ, while turning clockwise make midrange frequencies more prominent. It's great for modern guitarists looking to get a punchy attack. The sweep knob varies what frequencies are affected, but it low or high-mids.
Lo/Hi toggle
The Lo/Hi toggle acts as another frequency control, but on a larger scale than the sweep. On Lo, the effect of the mids is softer and wider. On Hi the pedal is more noticeable. It becomes pointed and defined.
Simply use the volume knob to get up to +10dB of clean boost when the mids knob is setting to 12 o'clock. It works great with a close to breaking amp setting to push it over the edge.
- Will boost +10dB with EQ flat
- Total Harmonic Distortion 0.007%
- Signal to noise ration 83dB
- +/- 15dB boost or cut
- Sweepable center frequency from 400Hz to 7.5kHz
- Switchable Q (LO-gentle broad, HI-peaking tight)
- Requires standard 9V DC Negative power
- Consumes 10mA
- Measures 2.6"x4.8"x1.6"