here at Just Pedals we love this Fulltone USA Fulldrive 3 Drive Pedal.
The FullDrive 3 is the latest rendition of one of the most popular boutique overdrives!
The main change is a new footswitchable clean boost which can be put before or after the overdrive for maximum flexibility.
The FullDrive 3 is the perfect overdrive to get the very best out of a beautiful tube amp, especially with the clean boost pushing the tubes into their natural organic overdrive that’s creamy and touch responsive!
Here’s what Fulltone say about the FullDrive 3
The Fulldrive-2 has been a huge success over the years…with 150,000 sold over the last 20 years. It’s still on many Pro’s pedalboards, now $149 MSRP / $120 street, and it’s not going ANYWHERE! But over the years people have asked: “Please offer a footswitchable independent Clean-Boost channel” as opposed to the FD2’s footswitchable “Distortion Boost” function. So the Custom Shop “20th anniversary FD3” was born..5000 pcs. built and SOLD OUT in 8 months.
Introducing the new Fulltone Fulldrive 3
N.O.S. JRC4558D chip.
Fulltone-exclusive “Order switch” which places the Boost channel either before or after the Overdrive section of the circuit: After takes whatever sound you have set and increases the Volume so you pop out of the mix. Before pounds the input of the Overdrive channel and increases the distortion, there’s not a substantial increase in volume…which is more like the FD2.
Three switchable Clipping Modes
“90’s” original 90’s warm FD2-like voicing. Transparent? NOT! Think Mids, rich Mids, Color, beautiful color. You want transparent? You got the wrong mode.
“Wide Asym”…that’s Wide Asymmetrical, for a beautiful, chimey, more open sound.
even more asymmetrical than the FD2,
“Comp-Cut” mode: This mode removes all diode clipping from the JRC4558 opamp, giving it a somewhat clean-boost feature or an aggressive opamp clipping sound on higher “Overdrive” settings. Identical to the FD2.
Completely independent, discrete JFET Clean Boost channel that can be used by itself! This channel has its own Volume control and a unique mini-knob controlling Germanium Diode “Limiter” function that has to be felt to be really appreciated! Clockwise on this knob takes out the strident, irritating spikes that occur with other clean boosts when you hit the strings hard….absolutely gorgeous feature destined to be a classic. This Boost circuit does not invert the signal like most clean-boosts and can be used with or without the overdrive section of the pedal.
The Icing on the cake? The housing is about 20% smaller than the traditional Fulldrive2