here at Just Pedals we love this Black Country Customs by Laney TI-Boost – Tony Iommi Signature Pedal.
Tony Iommi is widely revered as one the forefathers of heavy metal. The genre simply wouldn’t be what it is today without his (literally) ground-breaking, unforgiving sound he managed to forge all those years ago. Synonyous with Laney Amplifiers and his iconic Gibson SG, there was a third crucial element to his signature sound: a modified boost pedal.
Enter the TI-Boost from Laney’s Black Country Customs banner, a painstakingly-handmade pedal that’s been designed to fulfil your desire for that extra scream that tipped Sabbath over the edge and into the depths of hell.
The TI-Boost was made in the sonic image of Iommi’s original Range Master boost pedal. The formula is familiar; it’ll give you a significant bass cut and mid boost, adding a crisp edge to your existing overdriven or fuzzed up sound. You’re also armed with extra EQ and gain options, so you aren’t limited to a single signature sound. In this unit, you’ll be able to attain that old-school, luxurious but screaming mid-boost, with all the room you need to make it your own!
Here’s what Laney say about the TI-Boost:
The guitar sound of the first Black Sabbath Album is actually the result of a number of key components, Tony himself not withstanding, but it is also the sound of the LA100BL plus a Dallas Arbiter Range master pedal that Tony used at the time, allowing him to push the front end of the amp into overdrive giving him his signature distorted tone never before heard.
There is a story relating to Tony and his “Range Master”.
In the days immediately before Sabbath, Tony was playing with a band located in Cumbria and a guitar player in a local band said that he could modify Tony’s Range Master and that it would sound better. So Tony agreed and had his pedal modified.
Tony never knew what the modification was but it sounded really good and gave his LA100BL the gain he was looking for.
The modified Range master was used for recording and touring up until 1979. When, for some reason unknown to everyone apart from Tony’s amp tech at the time – it
got thrown away!
Since that day Tony has had a sound in his head, a sound that first inspired him to play some of the most recognisable riffs in music, a sound which he thought he’s never get back!
Until now that is!
When we began to discuss the possibility of building a replica of Tony’s original 1969 LA100BL we realised quite quickly that we’d need something to push the front end of the amp harder. So in conjunction with the design work on the NEW LA100BL we also started working on a boost pedal for Tony to use in the same way he used his Range master.
The result – the TI-BOOST.
We are very proud of our association with Tony and to have him commission us with his only authorised signature pedal is a real honour.
The pedal functions in the same way as his legendary modified Range master – with a significant