The TC Electronic Sentry Noise Gate Pedal is currently retailing at £89 and it is preorder. Available to be delivered to you by post direct (some charge may apply).The team at Just Pedals think that TC Electronic nailed it with the TC Electronic Sentry Noise Gate Pedal.
The noise gate is one of the unsung heroes in the guitar world. In the studio it helps clean up the mix and makes sure you aren’t humming in the background when you aren’t even playing. Live a noise gate is essential to cut out any kind of unwanted string or amp noise making for a much better live experience.
The TC Electronic Sentry Noise Gate looks to offer more advanced options than you have ever seen on a gate before. By using three separate gate bands as well as well as TC’s own toneprint technology you get an incredible level of control over your sound.
Three Band Gate
While one band noise gates have been used for a long time multi band gates are not something you see everyday. The main benefit of this pedal is that you don’t need to gate your entire guitar signal all at once. In fact if you have a particularly noisy rig you can set up this pedal to gate those frequencies earlier than others.
Another great way to isolate noise is to use the built in send/return loop. By plugging in the noisy part of your rig in to the send/return loop you only effect that part of the signal. So if you have a particularly loud drive pedal or amplifier you can set this up in a way that just effects that part of the signal chain producing a much more natural gated effect without that annoying stutter.
But Does It Djent?
While all of the above options may not be very djent this pedal can in fact still help you get that quick attack gate that is needed for modern metal. This is because you have ultimate control with this pedal thanks to the toneprint editor. Just set it up next to your PC or Mac and you can get carefully crafting your sound within minutes.
Here’s what TC Electronic say about the Sentry Noise Gate
Sentry Noise Gate is your gateway to a noise-free and fully dynamic performance. Its cutting-edge multiband technology is set to cater to all of your hum and buzz-killing needs and with its highly intuitive design, you’ll be dialing out that unwanted noise faster than an Yngwie Malmsteen arpeggio lick. Take control and enjoy the silence!
You’re Hum Free
Sentry Noise Gate’s multiband technology houses one of the most advanced noise-removal algorithms to date. This enables you to hone in on very specific frequencies and quickly remove extraneous noise from your signal as you stop playing, without any compromise to your core tone. The result- The most seamless and organic noise reduction you’ve ever heard. In this mode, Sentry Noise Gate is like the air we breathe. You don’t notice it’s there but you can’t live without it!
Silent As The Grave
Sentry Noise Gate also features a classic hard-gate mode, which can be used for an immediate noise-cut effect. Go from a full-on sonic barrage to dead silence in an instant, only to let your epic riff re-emerge from