Fuzz is a type of guitar effect that distorts the signal in a more extreme and saturated way than typical overdrive or distortion pedals. It creates a thick, woolly tone with a characteristic “fuzzy” sound, often associated with the classic rock and psychedelic eras. Fuzz pedals work by clipping the waveform of the signal at a much higher level, resulting in a crunchy, sometimes harsh sound that has a distinctive bite and sustain.
Fuzz pedals can vary in intensity and tone, with some offering more subtle, warm fuzz and others creating a more aggressive, raspy sound. The controls typically include fuzz, tone, and volume, allowing players to shape the effect to suit their preferences. Classic fuzz pedals like the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi and the Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face have become iconic for their bold, powerful sound, making fuzz a staple for genres like rock, stoner metal, and experimental music.