The Electro Harmonix Good Vibes Pedal is currently retailing at £149 and it is preorder. Available to be delivered to you by post direct (some charge may apply).The team at Just Pedals think that Electro Harmonix nailed it with the Electro Harmonix Good Vibes Pedal.
The Uni-Vibe is one of the most loved effects in the world. Used on records by guitarists like Jimi Hendrix and David Gilmour this effect has an iconic sound that has captured the minds of a generation. The Electro Harmonic Good Vibes captures those cool chorus and vibrato sounds in a small compact pedal that you can take to every gig.
Same Circuit Design
The Good Vibes is not some digital emulation that tries to sound somewhat like the original. EHX have gone out of their way not only to emulate the sound but also the type of circuit to give you one of the closest replicas of the Uni-Vibe we have seen in years. You can even plug in an optional expression pedal just like the original to control either speed or intensity on the fly.
Chorus or Vibrato
Just like the original pedal you can get period accurate chorus and vibrato sounds a the drop of a hat. With the three main control knobs on top of the pedal you get to take command of the volume, intensity and speed of the effect while a toggle switch controls if you want a vibrato or chorus effect. This is a much simpler control system than some Uni-Vibe style pedals though it still gives you all the control you need to get some incredible sounds.