The JHS Pedals Switchback is currently retailing at £115 and it is in stock. Available to be delivered to you by post direct (some charge may apply).The team at Just Pedals think that JHS Pedals nailed it with the JHS Pedals Switchback.
The JHS Pedals Switchback is a box of many surprises. Starting off life on the floor of the JHS testing room, it developed into its fully-fledged form when the techies realised its usefulness in everyone's guitar setup.
It has one input, one output and two switchable effects loops with their own send and return jacks. It also has an A/B toggle that can be controlled by the JHS true bypass Red Remote switching system for complete control.
A/B Looper
First off, you can use the Switchback to quickly change between two effects loops. Great if you have ready-to-go effect chains, or if you want to compare two pedals at the flick of a switch.
Leave one loop clear if you want to go from effects into a clean signal the other side.
A/B Box
JHS Pedals know how to make a great A/B switcher – completely reliable, quiet switching and free from hum. Send signals to two different amps. You could even apply this to two channels on the one amp.
If you have a vintage amp with an input each for two channels, you can switch between these on the fly with the Switchback.
Effects Loop
If your amp is lacking an effects loop, simply use the Switchback! It won't muddy the effects together with those going straight into the amp, just like an inbuilt loop.
All of this is twice as handy with the Red Remote accessory so you can switch your sound mid-performance.