here at Just Pedals we love this Amp Factory Bundle One Download Pack 1 for Kemper Profiling Amp.
So, you’ve decided to buy a Kemper Profiling Amp (or you’ve already got one), and you’re looking forward to profiling some of your favourite guitar amps asap! But what if, like most of us, you don’t own an entire warehouse full of boutique guitar amps?? Well you could certainly go to the Kemper community web site & download (for free) any of the amps that other Kemper users have profiled, but there is no way of knowing if these profiles are any good until you download it & try it for yourself – you could well be downloading dozens of profiles to find the one you like.
So here’s an alternative…
The Amp Factory is a concept born from a genuine Kemper customer, who was so impressed by the way in which his Kemper captured guitar amp tones that he set off on a mission to capture as many high end amps as he could, profile them at various settings & then capture the highest quality profiles possible in a professional studio environment. These settings are available to download either one at a time, or as a complete bundle pack from – why not go there now & listen to the samples.
Special Andertons Offer
You can buy an Amp Factory sample for either £4.99 for a single sample (only available direct from, or as a complete set of every single sample for £79.99 (available either direct or from Andertons). If you buy from Andertons we’ll send you the unlock code that you need for the sample pack.
And whats more, if you buy the complete download bundle at the same time as you buy your Kemper Amp from Andertons, you can get the complete bundle for just £40!! There are already over 25 high quality amps in the sample pack, with more being added as time goes on.
For more info on the sample packs please go to
What comes in this bundle?
- 27 Hi Class Amplifiers
- Captured at various settings from Clean, to cranked and everything in between
- Various mics used for Multi Mic setups, 57, Royer 121, U87, TC30, running into API & Neve Mic pre’s
- Various stomp boxes also captured in front of the amp, from Timmy pedals, to full out tube-screamer circuits.
Seeking to re-create the sound of :- 65 Amps Tupelo, Blackstar Artisan 15, Blackstar Series 1, Caroll-Ann OD2, Carr Slant 6v6, Divided by 13 RSA, Dr.z Carmen Ghia, Fender Champ 64, Fender Bassman Head, Fender Deluxe (modded), Fender BF VibroKing, HiWatt Custom 100, Marshall Superlead Plexi, Marshall TSL Modded, Marshall JCM800 Hot Mod, Marshall JTM 45, Matchless Avalon, Matchless DC30, MesaBoogie Mark II (modded), Mesa Boogie Stietto, Mesa Tripple Rectifier, Morgan Duel 40,&n