– Fits – Tony : ’63 ‘N’ ‘The (1970’s) (Female (KFM) (Male / + + Female) 1 1 Distortion 1-Spot 10 10-way 105 107 109 10cm 10ft 11 110 111 112 113 12 121 122 128 12V 13 1317 132 135 138 141 142 143 150 152 1520 1524 1529 1542 15cm Flex 16 16.5x21in 16.5x28in 16.5x43in 169/12/15/18v 173 18V 18×14 191 192 194 19V 2 20 Mini 2021 2021 built 20W 21 22 228 23 230V 24V 258 265 28 295 3 3-Knob 3.1 3.2 30cm Flex 329 33 335 344 351 360 37 3821 3881 3rd 4 4-in-1 4.1 4.2 4.4 4006 4027 4029 42 44 45th 46 4×4 Power 5 5-pin 5.2 5.3 5.5/2.1mm 50/30/30cm 50cm 50cm Flex 51 55 58 59′ 5MM 5Pin 6 651 697 70 71 711 712 713 724 76 8 8.5x18in 808 845 85 86 87 89 9 90 900 900mA 915 92 922 923 927 941 942 95 96 983 9V A A-Matic About ABS ABY Pedal AC DC AC-2 AC-3 Academy Accountant Ace Acoustic Active Adapter Adaptor Adhesive Adineko ADT Aero Aeros Afterglow Aftershock Air Albert Alien Align All-Analogue Alpha Ambience Ambient Ambient Pedal Americana Amp Amp Pedal Amplification Amplifier AmpliTube Amplitude Amps AmpWorx Analog Analogue Analouge and and Cab and NMP-2 and stereo and Vibrato Andy Angry Animals Anniversary Anniversary Amp Anniversary Preamp Apollo Architects Area Ariel ARTIFAKT Asphalt Astrospurt AT Atlas Atom’ Atreides Attenuator Audio AudioWorks Aura Imaging AURRAS AUTO Auto-Wah Autostutter Aux Avatar B3N Baby Bag Band Barbershop Base Basilio Bass Bass Distortion BASS9 Bassbone Basstortion Batallion BB BBD Bear Beatbox BeatBuddy Beetronics Behringer Belle Bender Bi-Filter Big Bigsby Binson Bit Bitcrusher BitMap BJF Black Block Blood Blue Blues Bluetooth Board Boards Boks Bomb Bones Boost Boost Pedal Boost/Line Booster Boss Box Box with Bracket Brad Breakout pedal Brick Broadcast Brownie Bryant Buffer Buffer/Boost Buffered built by Bulb Driven Bundle Bunker Burner Burr-Brown Butter by C4 Cab Cab Simulator Cable Cabzeus Cadabra Cali76 Cambo Can Can Delay Captor Carbon Carbon’ Carl Carry Case Catalinbread CB-WZ-AIR CCB-1 Centavo Centre Cerberus Chain Chameleon Channel Charlie Chief Choka CHOP Chorus Chorus Pedal Chromatic Chrome Cinders Cioks Circuitry City Clarke Class-A Classic Clean Clipping Clone Cloud Clover Clyde Cntl Cock Cocked Coil Collider Colour Commander Commodore Comp Comp Compressor Compact Compact Loadbox Companion compression Compressor Compressor Chorus Compressor Pedal Compressor/Limiting Compugilist Connector Context Control Controller Copicat Copper Core Corset Cortex Cory Country Crash Crayon Crazy Cream Creator Crescendo Cry Crybaby CS CS11 CS12 CS6 CS7 Current Curtain Cusack Custom Customs CV Daily Daisy DAM Dane Danelectro Daphne Dapper Dark Darkglass Darryl DC DC Outputs DC30 Debugger Deep Deja Del-Verb Delay Delay and Delay Pedal Deluxe Descent Devices DI DI Box DI with Diamond DIG Digital Digitech Dimension DIN Dingbat Dirty Dirty Donnie Disaster Disk Disorder Disruptor Distortion Distortion Boost Distortion Pedal Distortion Sustainer Distortion/Fuzz Distortron Ditto Divided DJ1 DL4 Double Doubler Douglas Dr. Dreamscape Drip Drive Driver Drum DSM DSP DSP Quad DT Dual Dual Tremolo Dual-Channel Duchess Dunlop DUO Dyna Dynamic DynIR Pedal Earthquaker Echo Echo Pedal Echo-X Echobrain Echohead Echorec Eddy Edge Edition Edition Overdrive edition Silver Edition) EF-P2 EF-P3 Effect Effect Pedal Effect Switcher Effects Effects Footswitch Effects Multi EGO EH-1 EH-2 El Electro Electronic Electronics Elements Emulator End Endeavors Engine Engine Pedal Engineering Enhancer Enhancer Pedal Ensemble Envelope EP EP1-GN Epoch EQ EQ Boost EQ2 Equalizer Era Fuzz Error etc. Ethereal Etherealizer EvenFlo Expanded Expansion Express Expression Expression and Expressive Extendable Eyemaster F-13 face Factor Factory Fairfield Fame 2 Fangs Faser Fat FatBee Fates Faux Fazer FBV Female) Fender Fender Tone FET Fi Fight Filter Filter Matrix Fire Fireman Fishman Fit Fixer’ Flange Flanger Flanger Pedal Flanger-X Flat Black Flex Flex DC Flexo Flight Floor Controller Floorboard Fluorescence Fly-Rig Focus Food Foot Footswitch Footswitch+ for Force Forcefield Fork Four Foxy Freakenstein Free Freeze Reverb Frequency Shifter Fro Fuel Fulldrive Fulltone Fundamental Funk Fusion Future Fuxx Fuzz Fuzz Face Fuzz Pedal Fuzz/Distortion Fuzzolo Fuzztortion FUZZZ FX FX Pedal G Gain Galileo Gate Gate Pedal gate/effect Gauss GCB95 Ge Fuzz GE300 Geddy Geisha Gemini Gen) General Germanium Gig gigboard GigRig GilaMondo Go Gold Gotham GR-55GK Grand Granular Graphics Green Greens Grey Grid GT-1000CORE GT1000 Guitar Guitar Effect Guitar FX Guitar Pedal Guitars GUITARS > Guitar FX Gunshot Gypsys Hall Hamstead Hand Handbuilt Handwired Hard Hardcase Harmonic Harmonix Harmonizer Hawk HD HD-S HDC Head Headphone Headphones Headrush Heavenly Helix Helix SP1-L6H Hendrix Hendrix Era Hi5 High Honey Honore Horse HP HP-X Hub Huge Hum Humboldt Hundred HX Hyde HZ I If Igor II Ikon Immerse Impedance in in Black in Black/Grey in Gold in Green in Gunmetal in Limited in Silver in Temple in Vintage Indie Input Instant Intelligent Interface Intergalactic Interstellar Iommi IR Iridium Iron ISO isolated Isolator Jack Jackhammer Jam Jekyll Jerry Jet JH-1 JHS Jim Joe John Jones Josh Jr Junior Junky Junky USA Jupiter K-Field Kawasaki Keeley Kemper Kernom Killswitch Kinetic King Kingmaker Kingpin Kit Klone Knob Kraken LA Lab Labs Lady Lakes Landau Laney Large Lari Lead LED Lee Legendary Legends LEHLE Light Lightspeed Limited Line Linings Little Llama Lo Lo-Fi Load Loadbox and Loke Loop Looper Love Low Lukather Lunar Machine Machines Mad Magmatic Magnetic Magnum Magus Major Mammoth Man Marshal Marshall Martin Massaad Master Mastotron Matter Maud MC401 McCoy Medic Medium Meet Member Memory Mercury Metal Metallic Metro MG50 Micro Microtubes Mid MIDI Mids Mike Mimiq Mini miniFuzz Mission Mist Mistress mixer MK2 MkII MkIII MkIV Mobius MOD Mod by MOD Full Modeler Modeling Modeller Modeller 717 Modelling Modelling Pedal Modular Modulation Modulation Delay Modulator Modulator Pedal Module Module Only Moho Mojo Mono Monolith MonoNeon Mooer Moon MOTHERSHIP Mounted Mounting Mudhoney Muff Mullet Multi Multi FX Multi-Channel Multi-dimensional Multi-Effects Multi-FX Multi-Switch Multi-Tap Multi-Voiced Multiband Multidimensional Multijack MultiMedia Music Mutation MX MXR Mystic Nano Nashville Negative Nemesis Neo Nether Nettuno Neunaber Neural Neural DSP Nine Noise Notes NU-33 Nu:Tekt NUX Obsessive OCD OCD-GE Overdrive Octa Octane Octave Octave Distortion Octave Generator Octave-Up Octaver Octopus OD Pedal ODD ODS-1 Odyssey Of OF-2 Official Ohm ohm Compact Oil Ojai Omega On ONE Op Optical OPUS or Orange Organic Origin Original Ortega Out Output Output Expansion Outputs Overdrive Overdrive and Overdrive Distortion Overdrive Pedal Overdrive Preamp Overdrive-Distortion Overdrive/Distortion Overdrive/Preamp Overdrive+ Package with Pad painted Paisley Panda parallel Particle Pass Passive Paul Gilbert PCB PCB Pedal Peacekeeper Peaks Pedal Pedal – Pedal (Mermaid Pedal 101 Pedal 115 Pedal 151 Pedal 161 Pedal 164 Pedal 191 Pedal 192 Pedal 296 Pedal 349 Pedal 353 Pedal 3808 Pedal 3941 Pedal 50 Pedal 85 Pedal 850 Pedal 89 Pedal 95 Pedal 98 Pedal 997 Pedal in Pedal Power Pedal with Pedal76 Pedalboard Pedalboard (3rd Pedals PedalTrain Percolator Performer Petrucci PettyJohn Phase Phaser Phaser Pedal Phasor Phoenix Photon Pi Pickle Pickup Pico Pinnacle Pipeline Pitch Pitch Shifter Plasma Platinum Plethora Plug Plus Pod POG3 Polar Poly Polyphonic Polyphonic Pitch Posen Positive Positive (White/Green) Pot Pouch Power Power Brick Power Cable Power Supply Powersupply Pre-Amp Pre-DI Preamp Preamp Pedal Press Prime Pro Pro8 Probe Processor Processor 3541 Processor 3542 Processor Overdrive Processor Pedal Products Professor Profile Power Profiler Programmable Prophet PSU Psycho Pulsar Purple Pylon Q Q-Tron Qi Quad Quintessence QZ1 R300 Rabea rack Rackmount Radial Radius Randy’s Range Raspberry Raster RAT Ratatouille Ratsbane Rattler RBX RC RC-3 Reactive Reactor Real Receiver Records Red Redstone Reduction Reflector Reissue Relaxing Reloaded Remote Replacement RetroVibe Return Return Edition Revenge Reverb Reverb Bit Reverb Emulator Reverb Pedal Reverberator Reverse ReVolt REX RF RF-1 Rig Ring Ring Modulator Ringerbringer Riverside Rock Rockboard Rocket Rockett Rod Roland Rotary ROY Royal RTO Ruach Ruby Rufus Rumblefuzz Run Runsten Rush Rust Rusty RV-200 RV-500 RV-6 RVB Sabbra Sag SansAmp SansAmp YYZ Satisfaction Satriani Saturated SC Scarlet SCB SCF Screamer Screws SD-1 SDE-3 SDE-3000D Seagull Second Hand Semi-Auto Seraphim Series Series Saguaros Session SFT SGT-DI Shanks Sheeran Shepards Sheriff Shiba Shifter Shigeharu Shimmer Shoegaze Shop Shot Shoulder Sidecar Signal Signature Signature pedal Silencer Silicon Silky Silver Sim Sim Pedal Simplifier Simulation Simulator Simulator Pedal Single Singular Sinkhole Six Skulls Sky Skylar Skysurfer SL SL-2 SL-OD Slap-Back Slash Slicer Slight SLO Small Smalls Smiley Smith Smolder Snake Snare Snow Soft Solasound Solderless Soleman Solis SOLO SOLO-18 Sonar Soul Soul-Bender Soulmate Sound Sound Guitar Source Southland SOV-2-CS SP SP-1 SP-25M SP1-ND SP1-RB SP25L Space Spaceman Spark Sparkle Speaker Special Spectrum Spiritone Split SPOT Spring Sprockets Spruce SR SSB SSHAC Stack Stage Star Starcrash Static Station Station Pedal Steel Stereo Stereo Chorus Stereo Chorus/Vibrato Steve Stomp Stomp Multi Stomping Stompware Stone Storkn String String9 Strip strips Strobe Stroboplus Strymon Stuart Studio Style SUB Sub Atomic Substation Sugar Summer Summers Summing Sunlight Sunset Supa Supa-Trem Supa-Wah Super Superball Superego SuperEgo+ SuperMoon Supply Supply Expander Supreme Supro Sure Surfing Surprise Sustainer SW Sweet Swell Switch Switchback Switchblade Switchbone Switcher Switching Swollen SY-1 SY-1000 SY-200 Synesthesia Syntax Synth Synth Pedal Synthesizer System T Res T-Rex T4′ Tailspin Talking Tank Tap Tap-A-Delay Tape Tapex TAR-20G TB TC Tea Teal Team Tech Telegraph Temple Temple Red Templeboard Tempo Tempo in Tensor Terracotta Terraform The The Forest Third ThorpyFX Three Throwback Thru Thru Module Thunderclaw Thunderstorm TI-Boost Tide Tidewater Tighty Tilt Time Time-Warped Time-Warping Timeline Tiny TM300 to TO800 Toe Switch TOKI Tomahawk Tone Tonebone ToneDexter Tonelink TONEX Tools Top Boost Torpedo Tour Toy TQR-LA TQR-MA TQR-SA TR-2 TR-S TRANSFORMER Transparent Trap Travelog2 Tremble Tremelo Pedal Treminator Tremolo Tremolo Pedal Tri Triangle TRIO TRIO-21 TRIO-28 TRIO-43 Triple Triumph Trower TRS TRUE TS TRS TS808 TS808HWB TS9 TS9DX TT-2 TT-XP5 TU-3W Tube Tubescreamer Tumnus Tuna Tuner Tuner Volume Tuners Tunic Turbo Turnip Twin Twister Two TWP10 Tyler Type UAFX UC200 UK UK18DC-500 ULooper Ultra Ultraphonix Ultrasheer Ultraviolet Ultrawave UM300 Uni-vibe Unicorn Unit Universal Unpleasant Uomo Up USA USA Pedal USB UT300 Utility Utility Pedal UV300 V V-Guitar V1 V1.5 v2 V3 V4 V5 V6+ V846 V847-A V863-CA Vaderin Valcoder Valve Valvenergy VariOboost VDL-1 VE-500 Velcro Vent Ventris Ventus Version Vertical Vertical Compressor Vertical Distortion Vertigo VES-2 VES-5 Vexter VG-800 VH4 VH4-2 Vibe Vibe-O-Verb Vibraclone Vibraphase Vibrato Vibrato Pedal Vibrophase VII Vintage Vintage White Vinyl Violet Vitruvinao VLP-200 VM-Pro Vocal Vocal Processor Voice Volante Voltage VOLTURE Volume Volume/Wah Voodoo Vox VOYAGER VRM-1 w/ WA-C1 Wah Wah Volume WahFull Walking On The Moon Walrus Wampler Warm Warmbender Warmdrive Warthog Was Water Waters Watt Stereo Way Way Pedal Waza Waza-Air Weelden Weirding Wet WH10V3 Whammy Wheels White Whitey WIIO Wild Wired Wireless with with boost with Gator with GK3 with Hand with Power WM81 Wolf Wong Wood Woolly WOPR X X1 X2 X4 X7 X8 XL XLR Xotic XP5 XVD-1 XVP-250K XW-1 XW-2 Y Year Yellow Young Yvette YYZ Zelzah Zender Zenith Zero ZIO Zone Zoom Zuma
Just Searching Pedals….
Showing 81–96 of 131 results
Boss OD-3 Overdrive Pedal
More Details£99.00 -
Boss ODB-3 Bass Overdrive Pedal
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Boss OS-2 Overdrive / Distortion Pedal
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Boss PH-3 Phase Shifter Pedal
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Boss PS-6 Harmonist Guitar Pitchshifter Pedal
More Details£149.00 -
BOSS PW3 Compact Dual Mode Wah Pedal
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BOSS RC-1 Compact Loop Station Looper Pedal
More Details£99.00 -
Boss RC-10R Loop Station Looper Pedal
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Boss RC-5 Loop Station Pedal
More Details£179.00 -
Boss RC-500 Loop Station Pedal
More Details£249.00 -
Boss RC-600 Loop Station Looper Pedal
More Details£449.00 -
Boss RE-2 Space Echo Delay Pedal
More Details£190.00 -
Boss RE-202 Space Echo Delay Pedal
More Details£319.00 -
BOSS RV-200 Reverb Pedal
More Details£199.00 -
Boss RV-500 Reverb Effects Processor
More Details£359.00 -
BOSS RV-6 Reverb Pedal
More Details£159.00