– 15th – Black – Fits – For – Insert – Nickel – Portable – Standard – Switchless – Tony – TS/TRS – Turquoise – XLR : ’55 ’63 ’68 ’74 ’78 ’82 ’92 ‘Fake ‘N’ ‘Roger ‘That ‘The (1970’s) (Female (Female + (Includes (KFM) (Male (Male + (No (Non-Powered) / / Looper + + Female) 1 1 Distortion 1-Spot 1.7 10 10-way 100-230 100/230 1000 1000mA 105 105Q 107 108 109 10cm 10ft 11 110 1100 111 112 113 1176 12 12-Digit 12-Outlet 121 122 128 12V 13 1317 132 135 138 14.5″ 141 142 143 1484 150 152 1520 1524 1529 1542 15cm Flex 15Watt 16 16.5x21in 16.5x28in 16.5x43in 169/12/15/18v 17 1700 mA 173 18 18V 18×14 191 192 194 1959 1992 19V 1Loop 1U 2 2 1 2-Channel 2-in-1 Distortion 2.1 2.2 20 20 Mini 20-20 2021 2021 built 20th 20W 21 22 228 23 230V 24 24V 258 25k 265 28 295 2B 3 3 modes 3-in-1 3-Knob 3-Verb 3-Way 3.1 3.2 30 30 cm 30cm Flex 30th 32 329 32×16 33 335 34 344 351 360 360+ 37 3821 3881 3rd 4 4-in-1 4-Way 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 40 4006 4027 4029 40th 42 42″ 43 44 45 45th 46 4K 4M 4×4 4×4 Power 5 5-pin 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.5/2.1mm 50 50/30/30cm 50cm 50cm Flex 51 5150 529i 529X 535Q 55 58 59′ 5F6 5ive 5Loop 5MM 5Pin 6 600-Watt 60W 651 68 69 697 6B 6ixty 70 71 711 712 713 724 76 8 8 Switch 8-Outlet 8.5x18in 800 808 80s 845 85 86 87 89 9 9 to 9-15V 9-18v 90 900 900mA 90s 915 92 922 923 927 941 942 95 95Q 96 983 9V 9V Power A A-B-Y A-Matic A-PSU1 A/B AAA AB AB/Y ABBOX ABC-1 About ABS ABY ABY Pedal ABY-BABY AC AC DC AC-2 AC-3 ACA Academy Acapulco Accessories Accessory Accountant ACDC Ace Acoustic Acoustikar AcoustiVerb Active Adapter Adaptor Adaptor with Adaptors Adhesive Adineko ADT Advanced Aero Aeros Afterglow Afterneath Aftershock AFX Agamidae AI AIAB AIAB Distortion Air Albert Alien Align All-Analogue All-in-one All-Tube Allied Alone Alpha Amber Ambience Ambient Ambient Pedal Americana Amp Amp in Amp Pedal Amplification Amplifier AmpliTube Amplitude Amps AmpWorx Anadime Analog Analog Drum Analog Flanger Analogue Analoguetube Analouge Analyser and and Booster and Cab and DI and Distortion and Multi-Effects and NMP-2 and OCD and Phaser and Pitch and Reamper and stereo and TRS and Vibrato and Vocal Andertons Andy Angry Animal Animals Anniversary Anniversary Amp Anniversary Deluxe Anniversary Preamp ANTI AOK AP-II Apollo Aqua-Puss Archer Architects Area Ariel Army Green Arrow Arrows ARTIFAKT Artificial Artist ASC-10 Asphalt Ass Astra Astral Astrospurt AT Atlantic Atlas Atom Atom’ Atreides Attack Attenuator Audio AudioWorks Aura Aura Imaging Aurelius AURRAS Authentic AUTO Auto-Wah Automatic Triple Autostutter Autowah Aux Avalanche Avatar B B3N Baby Baby From Baby Junior Baby Wah Backpack Bad Badass Bag Ball Balls Band Banging Bank Bar Barbershop Barrel Base Basilio Bass Bass Buffer Bass Cut Bass Distortion Bass Overdrive Bass Preamp BASS9 Bassbone Basstortion Batallion Battalion Battery Bay BB BBD Beam Bear Beatbox BeatBuddy Bee Beetronics Behringer Belle Bender BF Bi-Filter Bias Big Bigsby Binson Bit Bitcrusher BitMap BJF BL-37 BL-44 BL-52 Black Black 10ft Blackout Edition Blade Blender Block Blonde Blood Blue Blues BluesBreaker BluesPrint Bluetooth Blumes Board Boards Boks Bomb Bonamassa Bones Boomster Boost Boost Amp Boost Bass Boost Pedal Boost/Buffer Boost/Line Boost/Overdrive Booster Booster Pedal Booster/Overdrive Boss Bottoms Box Box with Boy Brace Bracket Brad Brawl Breaker Breakout pedal Brent Brewers Brick Bridge Brigade Bright Bright Red Broadcast Broken Brownie Bryant Buck Buffer Buffer / buffer and Buffer/Boost Buffer/Preamp Buffer/Splitter Buffered built by Bulb Driven Bumblebee Bundle Bunker Burner Burr-Brown Burton Butler Butter Button by C4 Cab Cab Sim Cab Simulator Cab-Link Cabinet Cable Cable for Cables for Cabzeus Cadabra Cali76 Caliber Calibrator Cambo Can Can Delay Cancelling Cantrell Canyon Capistan Captor Capture Carbon Carbon’ Carl Carry Case Case 32×16 Case) Catalinbread Caverns CB-WZ-AIR CBJ95 CBM95 CCB-1 Celisse Centavo Center Centre Centurion Cerberus Ceres Chain Chameleon Chancellor Channel Channel Overdrive Channel Signal Charlie Chaser Cheeky Chief Chill Choka CHOP Chord Chorus Chorus Pedal Chorus Vibrato Chorus-Flange Chorus/Flanger/Vibrato Chorus/Vibrato Chorus/Vibrato w/ Chris Chromatic Chrome Cinco Cinders CINQUE Cioks Circuitry Circuits Cirrus City Civil War Clapton Clark Clarke Class-A Classic Clean Cliff Clip Clipping Clock Phase Clone Cloud Clover Club Clyde Cntl Co Co. Coat Cock Cocked Coil Coil Octave Collider Colour Commander Commodore Comp Comp Compressor Compact Compact Loadbox compact patchbay Compact Pedal Compact Pedals Companion Complete compression Compressor Compressor Chorus Compressor Pedal Compressor/Limiter Compressor/Limiting Compugilist Conflict Connection Connector Conspiracy Context Control Control Pedal Controller Converter Copicat Copper Copy Cord Core Corrector Corrupter Corset Cortex Cory Country Courage Cowboy Craft Cranker Crash Crayon Crazy Cream Created Creator Crescendo Cries Crimson Crossover Frequency Crunch CRUNCHER crusher pedal Cry Cry Baby Crybaby CS CS-550X CS11 CS12 CS6 CS7 CSP041 Cunningham Current Curtain Cusack Custom Customs Cut Cutter CV CV Expression CV7003 D D’Luxe D’oeuvre? Daily Daisy DAM Damp Dane Danelectro Daphne Dapper Daredevil Dark Darkglass Darrell Darryl Data Day DB-10 DBS-1 dBucket DC DC Outputs DC30 DDR Death Debugger Decay decimator Deep Deja DEL-mini Del-Verb Delay Delay and Delay Pedal delay with Delivery Deluxe Deluxe Pedal Demodulator Descent Design-a-Drive Designs Destiny Detonator Device Device Delay Devices DG DI DI Box DI Pedal DI with DI-2112 Diamond DIG Digital Digital Delay Digitech Dimebag Dimension DIN Dingbat DIO Direct Dirt Dirty Dirty Donnie Disaster Disk Disorder Dispatch Display Disruptor Distortion Distortion Boost Distortion Fuzz Distortion Octave Distortion Pedal Distortion Sustainer Distortion/Fuzz Distortion/Sustainer Distortron Distributor Distro Ditto Divided DJ1 DL4 Dookie Doom Dual Double DoubleChorus Doubler DoubleTracker Douglas Dr. Dragster Dream Dreamer Dreamscape Drip Drive Drive Pedal DriveMaster Driver Drone Droop Drop Drum DS-1 DS-830X DSL DSM DSP DSP Quad DT Dual Dual Pedal Dual Tremolo Dual VU Dual-Channel Duality Duchess Dude Duke Dunlop DUO Dutch DVP4 DVP5 Dyna Dyna-ssor Dynamic Dynamic Reverb DynIR Pedal E. Earthquaker Eastern ECB003 ECB004 Echo Echo Delay Echo Pedal Echo-X Echobrain Echohead ECHOLIZER Echoplex Echorec ECHOVERB Eddy Edge Edition Edition Gold Edition Mono Edition Overdrive edition Silver Edition) EF-P2 EF-P3 Effect Effect Pedal Effect Switcher Effect Unit Effects Effects Footswitch Effects Manipulator Effects Multi Effects Pedal Effects Processor EGO EH-1 EH-2 EIAJ Either El Elecric Electric Electro ElectroMan Electronic Electronics Elements Eliminator Elipse Elite Emperor Emulator Emulator for End Endeavors Endgame Engine Engine Pedal Engineering Enhancer Enhancer Pedal ENIEQMA Enigmatic Ensemble Envelope Envy Enzo EP EP-1 EP-2 EP1-GN EP1-KP EP101 EP103 EPA-2000 Epoch EQ EQ Boost EQ-200 EQ2 EQD-1 Equaliser Equalizer ER-2 Era Fuzz Eric Error etc. Eterna Ethereal Etherealizer EUNA Eureka Eurorack Module EV-1-WL EV-30 EvenFlo Eventide Evermore EVH EVH90 Evolution EX1 Exclusive Expanded Expansion Expansion Kit Explorer Express Expressio with Expression Expression and Expression Toggle Expressive EXTC-Stereo Extendable Extra Extreme Eyemaster F-13 face Factor Factory Fader Fairfield Fall Fallout Fame 2 Fangs Faser Fat FatBee Fates Fault Faux Fazer FB FBT-1 FBV FC-300 Feedback Feedback Loop Female) Fender Fender Tone FET Fi Field Fight Filaments Filter Filter Matrix Filter Pedal Filter Wave Filtron Final Fire Firefly Fireman Fishman Fit Fits Fixer’ Flange Flanger Flanger Pedal Flanger-X Flat Flat Black Fleece Flex Flex DC Flexi Flexo Flight Flint FLMINI Floor Floor Controller Floorboard Flow Fluorescence Fluorescent FLWR Fly Fly-Rig FM Focus follower Food Foot Footswitch Footswitch Set Footswitch+ for for DUO For Guitar for HX for SOLO for TRIO Force Forcefield Forest Forget Fork Fork+ Form Formula Foundry Fountain Four Foxy Frame Freakenstein Free Freeze Freeze Reverb Frei Frequency Frequency Shifter Fricker Fro Front FS1 FS3X FS6 FT-2Y Fuel Full Range Full-Drive1 Fullbore Fulldrive Fulltone function Fundamental Funk Funky Fur Fusion Future Fuxx Fuzz Fuzz Distortion Fuzz Face Fuzz MkIII Fuzz MKIIS Fuzz Pedal Fuzz/Distortion Fuzzly Fuzzolo Fuzzrite Fuzztortion FUZZZ FV30H FV50H FV50L FwonkBeta FX FX Pedal FX Processor FX600 FZ-1W FZ-5 G G-TOUR G1 G1x G2 G3 G3S G4 G8 Gain Gain Amp Galaxy Galileo Gary GAS Gate Gate Pedal gate/effect Gauss GC2 GCB95 Ge Fuzz GE100 GE1000 GE1000LI GE200 GE250 GE300 GE601 Gear Gearbox Gecko Geddy Geezer Geisha Gemini GEN-X-14 Gen) General Generator Generator Octave Generator Pedal Germanium Getaway Gig Gigbag gigboard Giggity GigRig GilaMondo Gilbert GK GK-3 Pickup GK-3B Gladio Glass Glenn Glory Glove GM-800 Go Go Products Gold Gold-72 Golden Good Gorilla Gotham GP-100 GP-100VT GP-10GK GP-200 GP-200JR GP-200LT GP-200X GR-55GK Grade Grail Gran Grand Granular Graphic Graphics Green Greens Grey Greyscale Grid Grind Grinder Gritador Groove Ground Grumpybot GS1000 GS1000-Li GT-1000 GT-1000CORE GT-1B GT1 GT1000 GT2 Guardian Guitar Guitar Amp Guitar Effect Guitar Effects Guitar FX Guitar Pedal Guitars GUITARS > Guitar FX Gunshot Guv’nor GX-10 GX-100 Gypsy Gypsys H H9 H90 HA Hairy Halcyon Hall HALO HammerOn Hammertone Hammett Hamstead Hand Handbuilt Handwired Hangover Happy Hard Hardcase Harmonic Harmonic-Tremolo Harmonious Harmonix Harmonizer Harmony Haunt Haunting Have Hawk HD HD-S HDC HDC Tuners Head Headbone Headphone Headphones Headrush Heaven’s Heavenly Heavy Helix Helix Control Helix EP1-L6 Helix SP1-L6H Hell Hendrix Hendrix Era Hephaestus Herculean HexKey Hi5 High High-Five High-Gain Hippo History Hizumitas HK HM-2W Hole Holy Hombre Honey Honore Hoof Hook HorizonT Hors Horse Horseman Horsemeat Horsie Hot Hotcakes Hour Howitzer HP HP-X Hub Huge Hum Humboldt HumDinger Hummingbird Hundred Hustle HX HX Effects HX Floor HX LT HX Rack HX Stomp Hybrid Hyde Hydra HZ I I/O ID iDevice IEC If Igor Iguana II II Pedal III Ikon Illumine Imaging Pedal Immerse Impedance in in Baby in Black in Black/Grey in Gold in Green in Gunmetal in Limited In Red in Silver in Tan in Temple in Vintage in White In-Ear incl. Profiling Indie Infinite Input Instant instrument Instrument Pre-amp Integrated Intelligent Interest envelope Interface Intergalactic Interstellar Inventions Iommi iOS iPad/Tablet IR IR-2 IR-200 IR-D IR-J IR-X IRF-LoudPedal Iridium Iron Ironheart Ironman ISO Iso-Brick isolated Isolated Multi Isolated Outputs Isolated Pedal Isolator ISOX4 Ivy Ixion J Jack Jackhammer Jake Jam James JamMan Jan JB-2 JC95FFS JCM JCT95 Jekyll Jerry Jet JFET JH-1 JHS Jim Jimi JLO-MEGADRIVE Joe Joey John Jones Josh Joshua Jr Jr. JTC-PRO Jumbo Junction Junction Box Junior Junky Junky USA Jupiter Justin JVM K K-Field K1 Kaffir Katana Katzenkonig Kawasaki Keeley Kemper Kernom Keyboard Killer Killswitch Kilt Kinematic Kinetic King Kingmaker Kingpin Kirk Kit Kitchen KKH95 Kleinulator Klone Klones Knees Knife Knob Knuckles Koch Kodiak Kommander Komorebi Kongpressor Kotzen Kraken L6 LA LA-2A Lab Labs Lacerate Lady Lake Lakes Landau Landreth Laney Large Large – Lari Layers Lazers LBP-3 LC LDP LDP-1 Lead Lead Amp LED Ledges Lee Legendary Legends LEHLE LEMON Leonardo Less Less Dual Lesson Lester Lex Li2 Rechargable Life Lifted Light LIGHTKEEPER LIGHTNING Lightspeed Lime Limited Limited Edition Line Linear Liner Linings Lion Liquid Liquifier Lite Lite+ Lithium Little Lizard Llama Lo Lo-Fi Load Loadbox and Loader Lock LoFi Logan LogJam Loke Lomenzo Long Loop Loop Box Loop Pedal Loop Remote Loop3 Looper looper and Loops Loopy Love Low LPB-1 LT LTD Lucydreamer Lukather Lunar Lussuria LVL LVX LWP M M-133 M-EQ M104 M115 M116 M169 M196 M199 M2 M2-OD M233 M234 M237 / M238 M239 M249 M280 M288 M300 M305 M306 M68 M75 M76 M81 M82 M84 M87 M94 Machine Machines Macro Mad Madison Maea Magmatic Magnetic MAGNEZIUM Magnum Magus Mains Major Male) Malmsteen Malo Mammoth Man Manager Mandragora Mandrake Many Marcus Mark Marshal Marshall Marshmallow Martin Mary MARY-K Mas Masamune Mason Massaad Master Mastering Mastotron Matcha Matter Maud Mauler MAW Max May-15 MC401 McCoy MD-200 MD-500 MDV1 MDV3 Me ME-90 ME-90B Medic Medici Medium Meet Meld Melter Member Memory Memphis Menace Mercury Mercury7 MercuryX Merger Meridian MES-1 MES-2 MES-4 Metal Metallic Metro Metro 20 MG-30 MG-400 MG101 MG50 MI MIAB Michelangelo Mick Mickey Micro micro.clock Microlog Microphone MicroPitch Microtubes Mid Mid-Hump Overdrive MIDI MIDI Connector Midibox Mids Mike Mile Milkman Miller Mime Mimiq Mini Mini Custom Mini Fuzz Mini Pedal Minibar miniFuzz Minim Minimal Mission Mist Mistress mixer Mjolnir MK Mk 3 MK2 MK3 Mk4 MkII MkIII MkIV MKV ML-2 MLD mm mm Barrel mm x Moai Mobius MOD Mod by MOD Full mode Model Modeler Modeling Modeller Modeller 717 Modelling Modelling Pedal Modified Modular Modulated Modulation Modulation Delay Modulator Modulator Pedal Module Module Only MODVERB MOFETTA Moho Mojo Mondo Monitoring Monk Monkey Mono Monolith MonoNeon Monster Monterey Mood Mooer Moon Moonshine Moonshot More Morning Mosquito MOTHERSHIP Motion Mounted Mounting Moving Moxie Mr MRV4 MS-3 MS-70CDRPLUS MS50G+ MS60B MT-2W Muck Mudhoney Muff Muffuletta Mullet Multi Multi FX Multi Pedal multi plug Multi-Channel Multi-Delay Multi-dimensional Multi-Effect Multi-Effects Multi-Effects Pedal Multi-Filter Multi-FX Multi-Generational Multi-Modulation Multi-Modulator Pedal Multi-Output Multi-Power multi-regional Multi-Switch Multi-Tap Multi-Tap Delay Multi-Voiced Multiband Multidimensional Multijack MultiMedia Multistage MultiStomp MultiSwitch Music Musical Instruments Mutation MX MXR Myriad Mystic Myung N-Connector Naga Nano Nano Pedal NAP-5 Nashville Natural NBK-5 NBP-5 NCH-3 NCH-4 NCH-5 NCP-2 NDD-3 NDD-6 NDD-7 NDO-6 NDR-5 NDS-2 NDS-5 Nebulus Nectar Negative Negative Power NEMA Nemesis Neo Ness Nether Nettuno Neunaber Neural Neural DSP New NFB-2 NGS-6 NightSky Nine Ninety Nirvana NME-3 NMP-2 No NO-CHO Noble Nobleman NOD-1 NOD-3 Noise Noise Gate Northern Not Notes Nova Novo Novo 24 NPB-L NPB-M NPB-S NR300 NRV-3 NS-1X NSS-5 NTU-3 NU-33 Nu:Tekt NUX NV-9 O))) OAMP OBR-1 Obsessive OC-5 OCD OCD-GE Overdrive Oceans Octa Octafuzz Octane Octave Octave Distortion Octave Fuzz Octave Generator Octave Pedal Octave-Up Octaver Octaver Pedal Octavix Octo-Shrieker Octone Octopus OD OD Pedal OD-200 OD-808 OD-808X OD-9 OD-S OD300 ODD ODIN ODL-1 ODL-1A-CS ODR-1 ODR-1BC ODR-1X ODR-Mini2 ODS ODS-1 Odyssey Of OF-2 Official Ohm ohm Compact Oil Ojai Ojai PSU Ola Olive Olympus Omega Omni On ONE Only Op OP-12 OP-6 OP-8 Operation Optical Optima Option OPTOCOMP OPUS or Orange Orbit Orbiter Orca Organic Organizer Origin Original Orion Ortega Oscillator OSD-9 Otherworldly Ottobit Out Output Output Expansion Outputs Overdrive Overdrive / Overdrive 4K Overdrive and Overdrive Distortion Overdrive Fuzz Overdrive Pedal Overdrive Preamp Overdrive V2 Overdrive-Distortion Overdrive/Distortion Overdrive/Preamp Overdrive/Soft Overdrive+ Overdriveland Overlord OX P-ISO P-Split P1 P2 Pack Package with Packrat Pad painted Paisley Pana-Trem Panda Panner Pantheon Para ParaEQ Paragraphs Parallax parallel Parametric Pardner Particle Paso Pass Passive Passive Stereo-Routing Patch Patchbay Patchbay – Patchbays PatchWorks Paul Paul Gilbert Pawn PB PB-109 PB1 PB3 PBA-4 PCB PCB Pedal Peacekeeper Peaks PEC-2 Pedal Pedal – Pedal (Mermaid Pedal 101 Pedal 115 Pedal 151 Pedal 161 Pedal 164 Pedal 191 Pedal 192 Pedal 296 Pedal 349 Pedal 353 Pedal 3808 Pedal 3941 Pedal 50 Pedal 85 Pedal 850 Pedal 89 Pedal 95 Pedal 98 Pedal 997 Pedal and Pedal Distressed Pedal for Pedal in Pedal Kit Pedal Power Pedal Show’ Pedal V2 Pedal V4 Pedal with Pedal76 Pedalboard Pedalboard (3rd Pedalboard with Pedalboards Pedals PedalTrain Peel Pentatone Percolator Percussion Performer Perseo Perseus Personal Petrucci PettyJohn PG-14 Phase Phase Modulation Phase Pedal Phase-Shifter Pedal Phaser Phaser Envelope Phaser in Phaser Pedal Phasor Phat Phenom PHF-1 PHMINI Phoenix Photon Phrase Pi Pi Fuzz Pickle Pickup Pico pin Pink Pinnacle Pint Pipeline Pitch Pitch Modulator Pitch Shifter Pitchshifter Plasma Plastic Plate Platform Platinum Player Playground Plethora Plexi Plexifier Plexstar Plimsoul Plug Plug 1 PLUGIN Plumes Plus plus Remote Pocket Pod POG POG3 Poison Polar Polaris Polarity Poly Poly-Rhythmic Polymoon Polyphonic Polyphonic Pitch Polyphrase Pork Portable Expression Posen Positive Positive (White/Green) Pot Pot Compatability Pouch Power Power Adaptor Power Amp Power Brick Power Cable Power Supply Poweramp) PowerCON PowerHead PowerMax PowerMini PowerRack Powersupply Practice Pre Pre-Amp Pre-Amplifier Pedal Pre-DI Preacher Preamp Preamp and Preamp DI Preamp Pedal Precision Preset Press Prestige Prime PRIMES1 Print Pro Pro-EQ PRO+ Pro8 Probe Processor Processor 3541 Processor 3542 Processor Overdrive Processor Pedal Products Professional Professor Profile Power Profiler Profiling Programmable Proline ProLog Promotion Prophet Protection Protein’ Prototype Prussian PS-1 PS-124 PSI PSU PSU and PSU For Psycho PT-JR Novo PT-PRO and PTEQ PTGATE Pull Pulp Pulsar Punched Pure Purple Purple 10ft Purple Sparkle PWRS6 PWT12 Pylon Pyramids PZ Q Q-Tron QC Qi QMX-10 QMX-2 QMX-4 QMX-6 QMX-8 Quad QuarterMaster Queen Queequeg QuickMount Quintessence QZ1 R30 R300 R7 Rabea rack Racket Rackmount Rackmount for Rackmounted Radial Radius RAGEMACHINE Raijin Rail Rainbow Raindrops Rainger Ramper Randy’s Randys Range Raspberry Raster RAT Rat Distortion Ratatouille Ratsbane Rattlebox Rattler Ravish Ray RBI RBX RC RC-1 RC-10R RC-3 RC-5 RC-500 RC-600 RD RE-2 RE-202 Re-amping Reactive Reactive Power Reactor Real Rec Amplifier Receiver Reconciler Record recording Records Recto Red red Edition Red with Redstone Reducer Reduction Redwing Stereo Reecho Reflection Reflector Reissue Relaxing Reloaded Remote Remote-Grade Repeated Repeater Replacement Replica Replicator Rerun Res Resonant Resonator Retainer RetroVibe Return Return Edition Return Wah Revenge Reverb Reverb and Reverb Bit Reverb Delay Reverb Emulator Reverb Pedal Reverb-X Reverberation Reverberator Reverse Reverse Daphne RevivalDRIVE ReVolt Revolution ReWired REX RF RF-1 RGB RH-100 RH-101 RH-4 Rhino RIAB Richie Rig Rigid Ring Ring Modulator Ringerbringer Ripped Ripple Ripply Riptide Riverside RK5 Roach Robin Rock Rockboard Rocket Rockett Rockman Rod Rodent Roland Ronson Rose Rossie Rotary Rotary Wah ROY Royal RTO Ruach Ruby Rufus Rumblefuzz Run Runsten Rush Rushead Russian Rust Rusty RV-200 RV-500 RV-6 RVB S S-Connector S12 S8 Sabbra Sag Sampler Pedal SansAmp SansAmp YYZ Satisfaction Satriani Saturated SC Scarlet SCB SCF SCOOCH SCR-DI Scrambler Scrambler Overdrive Screamer Screws Script Sculpture SD-1 SD-1 Style SD-9 SDE-3 SDE-3000D SEA Seagull Second Hand Secret Semi-Auto Sepultura Seraphim Series Series Saguaros Session Set SF01 SFT SGT-DI Shadows II Shallow Shanks Shawn Sheeran Shepards Sheriff Shiba Shifter Shifter Pedal Shifting Shigeharu Shim Shimmer Shirley SHIVER Shoegaze Shop Shot Shoulder Show Shredder ShredMaster Shrine Si Sidecar Signal Signature Signature Cry Signature Fly Signature Overdrive Signature pedal Signature Preamp Silencer Silicon Silicon Pedal Silicone Silky Silos Silver Silvertone Sim Sim Pedal Simplifier Simulation Simulator Simulator Pedal Single Single Pedals Singular Sinkhole Sister Tube Sitar Six Skulls Sky Skylar Skysurfer SL SL-2 SL-OD Slap-Back Slash Slicer Slick Slider Slight SLO Slow SM-9 Small Smalls Smart Smiley Smith Smolder Smooth Snake Snare Snow Snowblind Soft Solaris Solasound Solderless Soleman Solid Solis SOLO SOLO-18 Solution Sonar Sonic Soul Soul-Bender Soulmate Sound Sound Guitar Sounds Effects Soundworks Source Southland SOV-2 SOV-2-CS Sovtek SP SP-1 SP-25M SP1-ND SP1-RB SP25L Space Spaceman Spark Sparkle Spatial Speaker Speaker Emulator Special Special Amp Spectrum Spiritone Spliff Split Splitter SPOT Spring Spring Load Sprockets Spruce SR SSB SSHAC ST-9 Stack Stage Stageman Stamp Stampede Standard Star Starcrash Starlight Static Station Station Pedal Steampunk Steel Step Stereo Stereo Chorus Stereo Chorus/Vibrato Stereo Loop Steve Stomp Stomp Multi Stompbox Stomping Stompware Stone Storkn Strawberry Streamlined String String9 Strip strips Strobe Strobo Stroboplus Stroke Strymon Stuart Studio Style SUB Sub Atomic Sub-Octave Subharmonic Substation Sugar Sum Summer Summers Summing Sun Sunday Sunlight Sunn Sunset Supa Supa-Trem Supa-Wah Super Superball SuperBolt Superego SuperEgo+ SuperMoon Supplies Supply Supply Combo Supply Expander Supply Expansion Supply Mounting Suppressor Supreme Supro Sure Surfing Surge Surprise Sustain Sustainar Sustainer Sustainer Pedal SW SW8 Sweeper Sweet Swell Swiss Switch Switchable Switchback Switchblade Switchbone Switcher Switching Switching System Swollen SY-1 SY-1000 SY-200 Synesthesia Syntax Synth Synth Pedal Synth-1 SYNTH9 Synthesizer System Systems T Res T-Rex T4′ tail Tailspin Talk Talking Tank Tap Tap Tempo Tap-A-Delay Tape Tapex Taproom TAR-20G TB TBO-9 TC Tea Teal Team Tears Tech Telegraph Teletronix Tempest Temple Temple Red Templeboard Tempo Tempo in Tempo Pedal Tempo Switch Tender Tensor Tentacle Terra Terra 42 Terracotta Terraform Terror Texan Texas That That’ The The Forest Theory Things Third ThorpyFX Three Three2One Through Throwback Thru Thru Module Thunderclaw Thunderstorm TI-Boost Tick Tide Tidewater Tighty Tilt Time Time-Warped Time-Warping Timeline Timmons Timmy Tiny TM300 to to 1/4″ TO800 TOD-9 Toe Switch TOKI Tomahawk Tone Tonebone ToneDEQ ToneDexter Tonelink TONEX Tongue Tools Top Top Boost Torino Torpedo Tour Toy TQR-LA TQR-MA TQR-SA TR-2 TR-S Tracker Trail with Transfigurating Transfiguration TRANSFORMER Transistor Transistors Translucent Transparent Trap Travelog2 Tray Treble Trees Trees’ Trelicopter Trem Tremble Tremelo Pedal Treminator Tremolo Tremolo Pedal TRES Tri Tri-Dimensional Tri-Voice Triangle Triangolo Triboro Tribute Trident TRIO TRIO-21 TRIO-28 TRIO-43 Triple TriplePlay Triumph Tron Trower TRS TRS Breakout Truck TRUE TS TRS TS/TRS TS808 TS808HWB TS9 TS9B TS9DX TT-2 TT-XP5 TU-3W Tubbs Signature Tube Tubedreamer Tubescreamer Tumnus Tuna Tune Tuner Tuner Volume Tuners Tunic TunnelWorm Turbo Turnip TURQUOISE Twang Twelve Twin Twin T Twister Two TWP10 Tyler Type U2 UAFX UC200 UK UK Power UK18DC-500 Ukiyo-E ULooper Ultra Ultraphonix Ultrasheer Ultraviolet Ultrawave UM300 Underdrive Underliner Uni-vibe Unicorn Unit Unity Universal Universe Univibe Unpleasant Uomo Up Up Pedal Upper Octave USA USA Pedal USB UT300 Utility Utility Pedal UV300 V V-Guitar V1 V1.5 V10 v2 V256 V3 V3 Reverb V4 V5 V6 V6+ V846 V847-A V863-CA V9 Vaderin Valcoder Valkyrie Valve Valvenergy Variable Variable-Clock Effector VariOboost VB-BC VB-DC VCA-Based VDL-1 VE-500 Vector Velcro Velvet Vent Ventris Ventus Verb Verbs Version Vertical Vertical Compressor Vertical Distortion Vertigo VES-2 VES-5 Vesta Vexter VFB-1 VG-800 VH4 VH4-2 Vibe Vibe-O-Verb Vibes Vibraclone Vibraphase Vibrato Vibrato Pedal Vibrophase VII Vintage Vintage White Vinyl Violet Viper Virtual Visitor VITALIZER Vitruvinao VLC-1 VLP-200 VM-Pro Vocal Vocal Processor Vocalists Vocoder Voice Volante Volante Iridium Volt Voltage VOLTURE Volume Volume Expression Volume Pedal Volume Utility Volume/Wah Voodoo Vox VOYAGER VPJR VRM-1 VT VZF-1 w/ w/ Onboard WA-C1 Wah Wah – Wah pedal Wah Volume Wah Wah Wahcko WahFull Wahter Wailer Walking On The Moon Walrus Wampler Warfare Warm Warmbender Warmdrive Warthog Was Water Waterfall Watering Waters Watt Stereo Wave Wax Way Way Pedal Way Splitter Waza Waza-Air Weelden Weirding Westwood Wet Wetter WH10V3 Whammy WHE207 WHE401S Wheeled Wheels Whiskey White Whitey WIIO Wild Wind Wired Wireless with with Bass with BJF with boost with Gator with GK3 with Hand with Monophonic with Morning with Power With Remote with Tour with Tuner WM81 WM92 Wolf Wong Wood Woodrow Woolly WOPR works Worlds Wurm Wurm Distortion Wylde X X1 X100 X2 X3 Syncable X4 X7 X8 XD-18 XD-24 Xenagama XL XLR XO Xotic XP5 XPND Xtreme XVD-1 Xvive XVP-250K XW-1 XW-2 Y Year Yellow YH-WL500 Yngwie You Dirty RAT Young Yvette YYZ Zakk Zelzah Zender Zenith Zero Zeus ZIO Zoar Zoia Zone Zoom Zuma Zuul
Just Searching Pedals….
Showing 49–64 of 131 results
Boss FZ-1W Waza Craft Fuzz Pedal
More Details£169.00 -
Boss FZ-5 Fuzz Pedal
More Details£125.00 -
Boss GE-7 Graphic Equalizer Pedal
More Details£95.00 -
Boss GEB-7 Bass Graphic Equalizer Pedal
More Details£105.00 -
Boss GM-800 Guitar & Bass Synthesizer Pedal
More Details£649.00 -
Boss GM-800 Guitar & Bass Synthesizer Pedal Bundle With GK-5 Electric Guitar Pickup
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BOSS GP-10GK Guitar Processor Pedal (Includes GK-3 Pickup and 13 pin GK Cable)
More Details£495.00 -
Boss GT-1000 Guitar Effects Processor
More Details£949.00 -
Boss GT-1000CORE Guitar Effects Processor Pedal
More Details£599.00 -
Boss GT-1B Bass Effects Processor Multi FX
More Details£209.00 -
BOSS GT1 Multi Effects Processor
More Details£209.00 -
Boss GX-10 Guitar Amp and Multi FX Processor Pedal
More Details£339.00 -
Boss GX-100 Guitar FX Processor
More Details£449.00 -
BOSS IR-2 Amp & Cabinet Simulator IR Compact Pedal
More Details£179.00 -
Boss IR-200 Amp & IR Cabinet Sim Pedal
More Details£329.00